Tag Archives: Classic watches

Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711 VS Rolex Daytona 116500, Which Replica Watch Would You Choose?

As two luxury brands in the watch industry, Rolex and Patek Philippe. They are all Swiss watch manufacturers. And the competition between them has never stopped for a century. This article is a contest between Patek Philippe and Rolex Daytona.


replica Rolex Daytona 116500

In addition to Submariner, the rolex brand is Daytona’s most famous. Daytona is also an ace for Rolex. And every Daytona watch uses Rolex’s ace movement. Rolex equips Daytona with the most complex movement. Everyone who knows Rolex must know Daytona. Daytona is already famous all over the world.

Rolex Daytona 116500 Replica

replica Rolex Daytona 116500

Rolex Daytona 116500 is a modern version of Daytona. It has a panda dial. Because it has a white dial and three black small dials. Stainless steel is a representative material of Daytona. This new Daytona is no exception. Both the strap and case are made of stainless steel.

But this replica Rolex Daytona 116500 has a black bezel. And it looks better than the previous Daytona. From a distance, the black bezel blends with the stainless steel case. When you wear it on your wrist, you will notice that black and white is obvious.

Rolex Daytona is definitely a classic replica watch. In terms of classics, Daytona is second, and no other series or brand is first. Replica Rolex Daytona 116500 is the most reliable and difficult to buy watch.

Patek Philippe

REPLICA Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711

Patek Philippe Nautilus has also been very hot in recent years. Previously, Nautilus was less hot than Rolex Daytona. But more and more people have come to know Patek Philippe in the past two years. Then the steel replica watch Nautilus became hotter.

Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711 Replica

Patek Philippe REPLICA Nautilus 5711

Replica Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711 also has a white dial with black hour markers. Both watches are classic in black and white. In fact, the blue dial Nautilus 5711 is more popular. But I personally prefer the white dial.


Features. Analyze these two watches from the features. The winner must be Rolex Daytona 116500. Daytona is a chronograph, after all.

Brand. In terms of brand. Patek Philippe Nautilus surpassed Rolex Daytona a little bit.


Rolex Daytona 116500: Whether you like it or not, you have to admit that this is a very classic replica watch. It is also a very reliable watch. It can even match a watch with a few thousand dollars. This is Rolex’s ace, Daytona.

Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711: If you can only own one watch in your lifetime, and you have to pass on the only watch to your grandchildren. Then you must buy replica Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711. In addition, this watch is also a good investment. Because its appreciation space is very large.

How To Choose

If you don’t consider the brand, price, and classic behind the watch, which one would you choose? This is indeed very difficult to decide. I would choose Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711. Because its dial is simpler and better looking. Of course, if it is antique-grade Daytona 6265 or 6263. Then I definitely choose Daytona.

What will you choose after reading this article? Best of all, I want to say that you can buy high-quality replica watches in the Hontwatches.to store.